status screen saver logo
version 1.4
1812 kb

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I uninstall Status Screen Saver?
The easiest way is to uninstall in the "Desktop & Screen Saver" preference pane in the System Preferences. Control-click on Status Screen Saver in the list on the left and select "Move to Trash".

I am using Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Can I still use Status Screen Saver?
Yes, you can still use Status Screen Saver, but not the most current version. You can still download version 1.2, which is the last working version for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. At this point, there is no plan to have any future compatible versions of the program.

Why are some of my modules dimmed and show no status?
Status Screen Saver is designed to be as passive as possible and only show you updates to your computer that occurred while your screen saver was enabled. If the application for a given module is not running when the screen saver starts, it disables the module and dims the icon.

Why is the count for iChat messages incorrect?
Unfortunately, due to the AppleScript functionality that currently ships with iChat, access to the number of messages that were received while your screensaver was showing isn't available. What is available, however, is the number of chats that have been updated since a certain point of time. The iChat module that is included with Status Screen Saver version 1.4 and later displays this number. So, if you receive 5 messages from one contact while you were gone, the iChat module 's count will increment only once. Also, if a contact changes status, this will also cause the iChat module's count to increment. There is a Radar bug filed against iChat to add this functionality, so hopefully this will be fixed in the future.

How can I add advanced functionality to my module?
In order to change the way a module performs while running in Status Screen Saver, you can specify a few preferences. First, within your module, add a standard property list file called "Info.plist". Then, add any of the following preferences:

Info.plist Key Description Values Version Required
alwaysEnabled This tells Status Screen Saver that it should never disable your module. For example, this can be used to create a module for a command line utility, where there is never a GUI application running. Boolean 1.1
applicationName This tells Status Screen Saver the name of the application that your module works with. This way, you can choose any arbitrary name for your module and it will not be automatically disabled. String 1.2
dontShowNewItemStatus This tells Status Screen Saver that your module should never be given the New Item status and, thus, should not change the background color of the status. Boolean 1.1