mail unread menu logo
version 3.4.6
2.04 mb

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I uninstall Mail Unread Menu?
You only need to remove four files to completely remove the application:
  • the application itself, most likely located in the Applications folder
  • the preferences file, located at ~/Library/Preferences/com.loganrockmore.MailUnreadMenu.plist
  • the application support folder, located at ~/Library/Application Support/Mail Unread Menu/
  • the Mail plugin, located at ~/Library/Mail/Bundles/MailUnreadMenu.mailbundle
When removing the files, ~ represents your home folder. (In order to get into the ~/Library/ folder, you'll need to choose the Finder menu item "Go > Go to Folder..." and type "~/Library/", since this folder is hidden by default in Mac OS X.)

I am using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Can I still use Mail Unread Menu?
Yes, you can still use Mail Unread Menu, but not the most current version. You can still download version 3.2.8, which is the last working version for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. At this point, there is no plan to have any future compatible versions of the program.

I am using Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Can I still use Mail Unread Menu?
Yes, you can still use Mail Unread Menu, but not the most current version. You can still download version 3.1.1, which is the last working version for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. At this point, there is no plan to have any future compatible versions of the program.

I am using Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Can I still use Mail Unread Menu?
Yes, you can still use Mail Unread Menu, but not the most current version. You can still download version 2.6, which is the last working version for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. At this point, there is no plan to have any future compatible versions of the program. For details about this decision, read this blog post.

What are the mail statuses?
In Mail Unread Menu version 3.0, a new feature was introduced that separates Mail into three different message states.
  • No New Mail
    This is when Mail has no unread email messages.

  • New Mail
    This is when Mail has email messages that are marked as unread.

  • Unseen Mail
    This is when Mail has email messages that are marked as unread and new messages have been received since the last time Mail was the frontmost application.
The idea behind the Unseen Mail status is that you will be able to differentiate between when Mail actually has unread email messages that you've truly never read and when there are just messages that you have read, but have left marked as unread.

After installing Mail Unread Menu, why is Mail extremely slow and unresponsive?
In Mail Unread Menu version 3.0, a new feature was added that will show the subjects of unread email messages in the pull down menu. In some instances, enabling this feature can cause a significant slow down in performance. Unfortunately, this has to do with how the Mail internals function and it needs to be resolved before this can be fixed. If you are seeing this issue, the only current way to solve the problem is to disable the preference.

Can Mail Unread Menu show my smart mailboxes or RSS item unread counts?
Unfortunately, Mail does not provide access to these unread counts via their AppleScript dictionary, meaning that Mail Unread Menu cannot access the information. If Apple decides to expand the functionality to include this information, then Mail Unread Menu will be able to show you these counts.